Pictures from 2010 South Florida birding trip

See trip report here

American Crocodile, Everglades National Park

American Crocodile face, Everglades National Park

Great White Heron, Fort Zachary Taylor, Key West

Smooth-billed Ani, Anhinga Trail, Everglades National Park

Smooth-billed Ani, Anhinga Trail, Everglades National Park

Green Heron, Anhinga Trail, Everglades National Park

Friendly Raccoon, Corkscrew Swamp

Green Anole with dragonfly, Corkscrew Swamp

American Avocet

American White Pelican


Black-necked Stilt

Green June Beetle at Snake Bight Trail

Cottonmouth (AKA water moccasin), Long Pine Key Campground, Everglades National Park

Nestling Anhingas, Anhinga Trail, Everglades National Park

Florida Gar, Anhinga Trail, Everglades National Park

Florida Softshell Turtle, Anhinga Trail, Everglades National Park

Great Egret (photo by Dimitria Mathys)

Green Heron

Lubber Grasshopper, Anhinga Trail, Everglades National Park

Manatee, Buttonwood Canal, Everglades National Park

Red-shouldered Hawk, Pa-hay-okee overlook, Everglades National Park

Roseate Spoonbill Nest, Paurotis Pond, Everglades National Park

Southern Toad, Everglades National Park

Spotted Sandpiper, Eco Pond, Everglades National Park

Stilt Sandpiper, Eco Pond, Everglades National Park

Swallow-tailed Kite, Corkscrew Swamp; not a great picture, but such an amazing, elegant, and common bird, I had to include it

Cuban Tree Frog in Everglades National Park; it provided some excitement by jumping onto Dimi's face. Thanks to Angel Abreu for the identification

Tricolored Heron, Eco Pond, Everglades National Park

Golden Orb Weaver on Key Largo

American Alligator

Brown Noddy, Dry Tortugas National Park

Bobolink, Dry Tortugas National Park

Bridled Tern, Dry Tortugas National Park; sure, it is a bad picture, but it was taken at over half of a mile in overcast and windy conditions

Brown Boobies, Dry Tortugas National Park

Masked Boobies, Dry Tortugas National Park; sure, it is a bad picture, but it was taken at 1.75 miles

Cattle Egret, Dry Tortugas National Park

Common Nighthawk (originally found by Dimitria Mathys), Dry Tortugas National Park

Magnificent Frigatebird (female), Dry Tortugas National Park

Sooty Terns, Bush Key, Dry Tortugas National Park

Yellow-billed Cuckoo perched on Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas National Park

Our Sooty Tern Video at Surfbirds (shows the ridiculousness of the colony)

Scenery/Not Animal Pictures

Koreshan State Historic Site

Buttonwood Canal

Kenneth and Ai canoeing

Corkscrew Swamp

Dimi on boardwalk at West Lake, Everglades National Park

Dimi and Kenneth getting ready for Snake Bight Trail

Blake and Dimi on the way to the Tortugas

Ai, Dimi, and Kenneth (left to right) birding inside Fort Jefferson

Fort Jefferson

Fort Jefferson

Florida Trip report (text)

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